Kaye S. Beechum

About The Author

Born Kaye Sandra Graham in the great Northwest in the summer of 1937, Kaye grew up in the shadow of World War II. Her life changed in 1946 when her mother remarried. She was adopted by her new stepfather, and her family became an Army family. This was when her travel adventures truly began. Her family followed their Army Master Sergeant father wherever he was deployed, from coast to coast and on to Japan.

At the age of 19 Kaye was back in Seattle as a young adult on her own. She began her working life as a long distance telephone operator for AT&T. After about a year her father talked her into moving to Salinas to be closer to her family. Here she met and married George Beechum. Kaye had 4 children with George over the years and she still found herself traveling. She and her husband moved to Virginia for a few years and then they moved back to California. Kaye had a number of jobs over the years, always looking for something better to help her support her family.

In the late 1960’s Kaye and her family were living in southern California and she was once again in search of employment. She was looking for just the right thing, a job could make a career out of. She finally found it, a job with the City of Los Angeles as a Parking Control Checker. After a grueling hiring process, Kaye was hired in July of 1966!

Meter maid, parking nazi and many other derogatory names were thrown at Kaye on a regular basis during the early years of her job. She, however, developed a thick skin while her career evolved into a profession. From Parking Control Checker to Chief of Parking and Traffic Management, she enjoyed thirty years with the City of Los Angeles.

When Kaye retired from the City of Los Angeles she was able to use the skills she had developed over the years by starting her own consulting business, KSB Services. She traveled around the country providing consulting and training in Parking Management to cities, counties, and universities.

Retiring from consulting in the early 2000’s Kaye subsequently moved to a retirement community. Never one to be idle for long she was looking for a project and decided to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming an author. Kaye was able to mold the writing skills she had learned in business into creative skills and ultimately had her first book published, “Forever 19,” which she wrote about the life and death of her beloved youngest daughter.

The dream continues. Winning a literary award for “Forever 19” has inspired Kaye to continue writing. She has two books in the works, one will be about her career, which should be quite exciting and the other will be about traveling with her mother and later with her daughter and all the interesting adventures they encountered.

Forever 19

Have you ever lost a loved one? Perhaps a child? How did you handle the pain? Did you feel empty, want to give up on life? This book tells how one mother dealt with the pain and loss of a beautiful nineteen-year-old daughter who died as the result of a tragic accident. Love and faith helped the family cope with the emptiness and sadness.


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