

Well, here I am in what I am told is a forever home, whatever that means. Last week I was living in a cage with a lot of other noisy smelly dogs. When one or more irritated me I would bark and snarl at them to show everyone how important I was. Suddenly the humans put me in a special little cage all my own. The other dogs laughed but that was just fine with me.

Time means nothing to me but soon a human lady came to get me out of the cage and took me in a car ride. That is how I arrived where I am now. It isn’t too bad here, I get lots of food and water just for me. I get treats from time to time and there are cozy chairs and beds to sleep in.

I have encountered some challenges here that I am working on. The human who calls herself my mommy is very resistant to being trained, I am sure with some patience she will eventually understand what she needs to do. Meanwhile, we are becoming good friends. The challenges I am encountering here have to do with food and bathroom privileges. My human really seems proud of the food she puts in my dish. In the morning I get crunchies and in the evening I get wet food, meats and such. The food isn’t bad and I eat most of it but I really want the people food she is eating and so far she refuses to give it to me. The bathroom issue is a bit more complicated. Whenever I pee in the house she yells, I guess that means she doesn’t want me to do that. There are special pads all over the house and if I poop on them she seems pleased. She also gets very excited if I do my business while we are taking a walk, she even gives me a treat if I poop outside the house. I would just as soon take care of all of this inside the house but I can’t convince her that is the best thing to do.

She really seems to love taking walks every day. I would prefer to stay indoors and sleep but I have decided to try to please her. Now I am enjoying the walks because we meet new people and they seem to love me and pet me and treat me so nice. So the walks will continue.

The final thing that puzzles me is she keeps saying the word Lucky. I think it means something to her so I run over and act happy when she says it. That appears to be the right response so I will keep it up. I really don’t know what lucky means but if it means I have a nice, happy place to eat and sleep then I guess I am Lucky!